Данный курс рассчитан как на абсолютных новичков, так и на тех кто уже имеет какой-то опыт работы в Adobe Premiere. В нем мы подробно пройдемся по интерфейсу приложения, разберем функции и возможности каждого окна, в котором будем работать. Затем пошагово пройдем все стадии работы в Premiere от импорта файлов и организации проекта до экспорта готового ролика. Попутно мы рассмотрим такие темы, как инструменты и техники монтажа, работа со звуком, работа с графикой, анимации, цветокоррекция и color grading, создание титров. Так что думаю, те, кто уже знаком с Premiere Pro тоже найдут для себя много интересного в этом курсе.
    Whether you want to learn how to edit videos for youtube and the latest social media platforms, or start your video editing career , or simply you want to revise your knowledge of this amazing software, this ultimate and complete Video Editing Course for beginners built with and for Adobe Premiere Pro 2020 CC is what you are looking for. The course includes more than 14 hours of video content , spread on 18 sections and 115 lectures. Everything you need to know to start with Premiere Pro and to start editing is here. FEATURED REVIEW: "This is the course I was waiting for: I am used to other videoediting systems (like Avid for example) and I have been trying to learn Adobe Premiere for years (last January I made another trial) but no course could nail the information in my head, until now! Mariano's course is excellent: it's easy to follow and covers all the necessary aspects of the videoediting, including the initial settings and the organisation of the workflow. It's fab that the material for the exercises is included too! Mariano is a very nice and likeable instructor with a good sense of humour, the lessons are well paced and easy to follow. I would recommend this course to any beginner as well as to professionals like me who find difficult to make the leap to Adobe Premiere." by Cristina Pavesi WHAT YOU'LL LEARN: You’ll learn the whole professional video editing process , including how to create and organise projects, how to edit, apply effects and transitions, how to mix your audio, to colour correct and colour grade the video, how to add captions and how to export your final product for the online platforms in different aspect ratios. And of course, we’ll cover the most useful keyboard shortcuts. IT WILL BE FUN! We’ll work together on a different project for each section , with different types of footage (all provided) including mini docs, interviews, travel vlogs and sports videos . This will give you the ability to learn different editing styles and to be flexible in your workflow. At the end of each chapter you will also find a quiz and an exercise to complete on your own. But do not worry, you will also find an exercise review where I complete the same exercise so that you’ll be able to double check your work. We'll wrap up the course with a final exercise that will revise all the skills learned. MY PROMISE TO YOU Once you'll have completed the course, you'll be able to create a video project on your own, from start to end, with professional standards! Enrol now and let's start learning and practicing. PS: This course was built on Adobe Premiere Pro 2020 of Creative Cloud, Version 14.0.0 and 14.3.0 on a Mac Computer and it is suitable for Windows users too. For Windows users If, when importing the material into Premiere Pro, you see some warning board about "._.DS.Store", just keep pressing "OK" and ignore all the files named "._.DS.Store", ".DS.Store" and also the video files starting with "._" These are only files of reference not needed to follow the course normally.
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      Start editing your video professionally with Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2020 !!! If you are looking for a video editing application that will allow you to edit videos however you want them, Adobe Premiere Pro is the best answer. Premiere Pro is used by professionals across the world for every type of production from business & marketing videos, music videos to documentaries, feature films. This full course is the best way to jump right in and start editing. Make videos the way you imagine them! Practice editing while you learn. This course includes practice video files so you can follow along and actually learn by doing. By the end of the course, you'll have edited a 1-minute documentary with the supplied footage. I'll be teaching the course using the creative cloud version, but if you have a previous version (CS6, CS5, CS4, CS3 - Mac or PC), you can still learn to edit like a pro. What makes me qualified to teach you? My name is Rahul Singh Nirvan and I've been editing videos with Adobe Premiere Pro for over a decade. My Promise to You I'm a full time video editor and online teacher. I'll be here for you every step of the way. If you have any questions about the course content or anything related to this topic, you can always post a question in the course or send me a direct message. What is this Adobe Premiere Pro course all about? In this complete guide to Adobe Premiere Pro video editing course, you'll not only learn all of the editing tools available in Premiere Pro, but also how to edit with the mindset of a professional editor. This course will cover everything you need to know to start video editing, including: Starting a project Editing your videos Adding video and audio transitions So much more! Learn from someone who is currently working in the industry, who knows the most current editing techniques, and who has a Bachelor of Arts in Film and Television Production from one of the country's top film schools. By the end of this course, your confidence as a video editor will soar You'll have a thorough understanding of how to use Adobe Premiere Pro for fun or as a career opportunity. Go ahead and click the enroll button ! Cheers, Rahul
        Hi there, my name is Dan and together we’re going to learn how to create a professional corporate video using Adobe Premiere Pro. I am an Adobe Certified Instructor and I’ve been teaching Premiere Pro for more than 10 years. I work closely with Adobe presenting seminars on their behalf at conferences and I write and present some of their Premiere Pro help videos for distribution worldwide. This course is for beginners. You do not need any previous knowledge in Premiere Pro or video editing experience. We will make a video together from start to finish, step by step. By the end of this course you will know how to take your raw video files, edit them and improve their video and audio elements. You will learn how to add additional footage to enhance any boring video and hide the occasional mistake. Yo will master transitions. You will learn how to sync separate audio & video files together all the way through to animating your logos & baseline subtitles. If you have any trouble with your projects, camera or audio problems drop me a message. I am happy to help out. There are also exercise files so that you can follow along with the course videos. If you need to start making professional corporate videos to impress colleges & clients come join me in the class. I will make easy and fun - I promise.
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          SO, YOU’RE LOOKING FOR A COURSE THAT WILL TEACH YOU BASIC PRELUDE QUICKLY & IN A FUN MANNER? I’ve got just the course for you! Welcome, my name is Josh Werner with Learn Tech Plus and I’ve put this course together to help people just like you quickly master Basic Prelude...Whether you’re a beginner or experienced with existing Adobe Applications! If your goal is to become a user of Basic Prelude, then this course is perfect for you. It will get you started on the right path and give you the knowledge and skills you need to Basic Prelude. LEARN BASIC PRELUDE BY DOING! Here’s what we’ll cover in the course: 1. We’ll start from the very beginning and explain what Basic Prelude is, why & how it’s used. 2. Install some of the software we’ll be using all throughout the course. 3. Introduce you to Basic Prelude I’d love to see you inside and help you learn and master Basic Prelude!
            Hi there, my name is Daniel Walter Scott and I am an Adobe Certified Instructor. I am here to help you learn Adobe Premiere Pro and to show you the tools you need to become a successful video editor. Premiere Pro is the industry standard used by professional designers to create stunning, high class videos and, after completing this course, you too can become a confident, skilful and efficient creator of stunning videos. This course is aimed at people who are completely new to Premiere Pro. "I've purchased some of Daniel's courses in the past. I like his teaching style. This course is excellent so far. I've taken a number of Premiere Pro courses and this one is the best so far. - Larry Farr" If you are self taught using Premiere, this course will show you techniques you never dreamed were necessary or possible and will show you efficiencies to help speed up your workflow. The course covers many topics - all of them on a step-by-step basis. We will use real world video editing examples to work through: An interview A wedding video A short documentary Social media advertising videos YouTube ‘how to’ videos Talking head footage mixed with screencasts and voiceovers We will work with text, animation, motion gfx, special effects and we will add music to our video. "The flow, pace and direction of this course are exactly what I'm looking for. I've taken other courses that left me lost, or weren't going in the direction in terms of learning that I wanted to go. This course is exactly what I'm looking for, and Dan is the best instructor I've experienced. A bit of humor, easy to follow, easy to learn. - Tim Weatherall" We will learn how to do colour correction, colour balancing and also how to create amazing video transitions within our movie. Technical ‘guru’ topics such as HD v 4K, frames per second, exporting work, fixing up bad audio, balancing and synching audio will all become manageable tasks for you. Best of all...I will show you amazing shortcuts and techniques to speed up your workflow. "I absolutely love this class from Daniel Walter Scott! If you haven't figured it out yet, Daniel is the best instructor on Udemy and instructor on the internet. I couldn't recommend this course and all his courses enough. - Brad Boggs" Throughout the course we will work on mini projects and I will be suggesting assignments which will add value to your portfolio. Start your Premiere Pro training now and fast track your career as a video editor.
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              Start your Video Editing Career with Premiere Pro CC 2020 and create professional productions for Film, TV and Youtube! Adobe Premiere Pro is the best video editing program you can use & it's so compatible with the Adobe family which a great plus for the program and makes your workflow easy and productive. Premiere Pro is used by professionals internationally for every type of production & it could seem overwhelming and hard when you open it for first time but with this course within an hour you will able to do Creative video editing ! What will students achieve or be able to do after taking your course? Creating a project. Organizing files and importing the footage Getting to know the interface Creating sequences Basic editing tools and shortcuts Adding effects to your footage and familiarize keyframes Basic audio effects and controls Exporting video and presets for different platforms Enroll now and start Video Editing right away. See you in the first lecture. Happy learning!! Regards, Adeep K
                Premiere Pro CC: Video Editing Course For Beginners Learn How To Edit Video Fast And Become A Creative Video Editor In Adobe Premiere Pro CC Do you know why more people are learning video editing these days? Let me share with you some of the reasons! Digital Marketers are using videos for digital marketing to reduce cost per lead (CPL) for their clients. Business Owners are creating video contents for e-learning and transit their business online. Individuals like Influencer / YouTuber are creating videos to build their online presence and monetise online. And some learn this skill set to become a Freelance Video Editor . If you are new to video editing or wish to learn how to become a creative video editor, This short online course will equip you with all the essential skills you need to have to become a creative video editor! Here's a little bit about my background... Back then when I was working as a freelance video editor, I was able to edit videos very quickly and my clients were all very impressed! Eventually, I got hired as a Media Producer and it opened up lots of opportunities for me. A professional and creative video can makes a big difference, it can boost view counts and engagement level on social media! For example, a Facebook marketing video that I created for my company generated $20,734 revenue in less than 2 days! [Step-By-Step Tutorial: Making of marketing video above included in the last module of this online course] Here's what you will learn from this online course : You will learn video editing very quickly through Step-By-Step Tutorials [No draggy tutorials!] 4-Step Approach towards Video Editing and you will be able to edit video fast! The Invisible Art Behind Video Editing so you can create amazing videos and boost view counts! Adobe Premiere Pro is one of the best video editing software in the market and widely used by Professionals, YouTubers and Content Creators all over the world. If you are interested to learn video editing fast without having to go through lengthy tutorials, this is the right course for you!
                  In this 7-module introductory course to Adobe Premiere Pro CC, you will learn all of the basic skills you will need to navigate this software. Topics covered will include how to open Premiere Pro, how to import files, a tour of the workspace, how to perform some basic video and audio edits, how to add in some effects and titles, and lastly, how to export your final video. This course give the students a jumpstart into Premiere Pro so they can begin working in it with confidence. To take this course, it is recommended that you purchase the $19.99/month subscription to the Adobe Creative Cloud.
                    WILLKOMMEN ZUM #1 ADOBE PREMIERE PRO CC CRASHKURS AUF UDEMY Justus Zeemann ist seit 5 Jahren erfolgreicher Fotograf und Videograf. Durch die Betreuung vieler verschiedener Unternehmen hat er sich ein umfangreiches Wissen angeeignet. In diesem Kurs zeigt er dir alles, was du brauchst um mit Adobe Premiere Pro CC durchzustarten und deine Videos in der Zukunft professioneller und schneller zu bearbeiten. "Vielen Dank für diesen schönen Kurs, Justus. Ich finde es Klasse, wie sehr du in diesem Kurs ins Detail gehst und mir auch die letzten Kniffe verrätst, meine Videos noch professioneller wirken zu lassen! Der Kurs ist jeden Cent wert! Freue mich schon auf deine nächsten Kurse!" - (Jan Marschall, Osnabrück) "Justus ist wie ein Professor bloß mit mehr praktischem Bezug - er ist ein absoluter Experte, hat viele viele Jahre Erfahrung und scheut auch nicht davor zurück mal etwas neues auszuprobieren und auf kreative Weise unfassbare Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Ich bin nebenerwerblich YouTuber seit 4 Jahren und hatte schon einige Male mit Adobe Premiere Pro CC gearbeitet. Nie hätte ich jedoch geglaubt wie viel man wirklich aus der Software rausholen kann! Danke für diesen Kurs!" - (Sabine Freitag, Ulm) Mit diesem Kurs und Premiere Pro CC von Adobe findest du schnell und professionell deinen Einstieg in die Welt der Videobearbeitung. Du lernst in diesem Kurs alles was du brauchst, um deinen ersten Film oder dein erstes Video zu schneiden und zu exportieren/veröffentlichen. Premiere bietet dir eine umfangreiche Möglichkeit, deine Bearbeitung professionell zu gestalten. Im Kurs erfährst du, wie du deine Medien importierst und strukturierst, auswählst und synchronisiert, schneidest und mit Überblendungen versiehst, den Weißabgleich korrigierst und das Rauschen aus der Tonspur bekommst. Mit dem Export wird als letzter Schritt noch der Adobe Media Encoder angerissen und schließlich der Weg für dein Werk in die Öffentlichkeit oder das "Heimkino" gezeigt. Viel Spaß mit diesem Kurs! Du kannst das Geld für den Kurs innerhalb von 30 Tagen zurück bekommen, wenn dir der Kurs nicht gefällt. Ich freue mich auf dich!